Ellen G Gambardella, CDA, M.Ed.
In a nationwide search, Ellen Gambardella was selected as the “Most Effective Dental Assistant Educator in the United States.” The Massachusetts Dental Society presented her with the “Special Award for Teacher of the Year” and in 2012 the “Volunteer Auxiliary of the Year” award. She is the recipient of the Goldin Foundation Award for Excellence in Education and the Dr. LeClaire Dental Health Professional Award for innovative and impassioned teaching. The United States Air Force recognized Ellen for her educational support of the 66th Dental Flight and Medical Group. She has been appointed by the Massachusetts Department of Education to develop Dental Assisting teacher licensing examinations. A former faculty member of Tufts and Northeastern Universities, Ellen has lectured nationally and internationally, is an author, and has vast experience in the area of accelerated learning. She has been featured in The Dental Assistant Journal on “Maximizing Efficiency in the Dental Office.”