Kimberly Bland, CDA, EFDA, M.Ed.
Kimberly Bland has served as ADAA’s President as well as held all national offices and the position of ADAA Fifth District Trustee. She has held several offices in both the local and state ADAA organizations, having been President of the Florida Dental Assistants Association for three terms. Ms. Bland is a member of the Florida Board of Dentistry Dental Assisting Council and has held offices in the Florida Allied Dental Educators Association. She is currently Florida Region V Postsecondary Advisor of the Florida Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA).
Kimberly Bland is a graduate of the University of South Florida and holds an undergraduate degree in Industrial Technical Education and a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership She earned her Dental Assisting Certificate at Manatee Technical Institute in 1983 where she is now the dental assisting program director.