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Ortho Essentials is a program that offers personalized patient support every step of the way. It helps unlock patient motivation by providing instant gratification at the first visit and ongoing positive reinforcement and feedback till their treatment completes.

To enroll in the Ortho Essentials program today, fill out the sign-up form below or call 1-800-543-2577!


Patients often try to improve their hygiene habits at home but get frustrated when they don’t see results. Unfortunately, repeatedly telling them what to do doesn’t always work. At Crest® + Oral-B®, we used our patient research and home care technology to create a system that shifts the conversation from simply telling patients to involving them and includes home care kits that are clinically proven in orthodontic plaque removal. Now, your patients can have the tools to do their part in protecting the quality of the end result! Here’s how Ortho Essentials Program’s communication formula has been empowering the dental hygiene team and helping patients take ownership of their dental health.

Fill out the sign-up form to get contacted by the Crest + Oral-B representative

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How it works:

Show me

In less than 30 seconds the tools in the Ortho Essentials Program personalize and involve the patient on the level of health they need to maintain while wearing orthodontic appliances. The Chairside Scoring Laminate is easy to use and is a standardized evaluation for feedback on hygiene over the course of treatment.

Useful tools to engage patients


Useful tools to engage patients

How it works:

Involve Me

At every appointment, your patient rates their oral health on a visual analogue scale. Knowing their personal score and reporting it helps to shift ownership to the patient where it belongs. The score is recorded, and if required, a letter is generated to initiate action if their oral health requires improvement.

  • Commitment Letter
  • Communication Letters to Patient, Parents, and Dentist
  • Introduce the home care regimen and visualize how proper usage of products helps improve oral health effectively
  • Positive reinforcement digital tools to motivate patients

A solution for poor patient compliance

A solution for poor patient compliance

A solution for poor patient compliance

Recommend My Plan

Research has shown that patients need tools to change their habits at home. Using the “Take Home Score Your Smile Card”, your patients can rate themselves every day knowing it will be consistent with what they hear at their next appointment. Having also been taught how to use their new home care regimen, they will now experience the positive oral health benefits of a system that has been clinically proven to help reduce plaque and prevent enamel erosion while wearing braces or aligners.

Changing the value patients place on next visit

Recommend My Plan

Changing the value patients place on next visit

Supports Practice Building - Referral Marketing Materials

These customizable referral materials let your community and local dental practices know you are committed to the oral health of your mutual patients and that you participate in the Ortho Essentials program.

Dentist office referrals

  • Customizable Referral Cards
  • Customizable Letters

Patient Referrals

  • Referral emails
  • Instagram photo frames to celebrate “Braces/Aligners Off Day”
Healthy Practice Now - Our Solutions - Referral Marketing Materials Image


The Ortho Essentials Protocol Video Series

The Ortho Essentials is a program created by Orthodontists for Orthodontists. It was developed as an easy-to-implement program to help with the everyday problems orthodontists experience in their practice, compliment existing internal office system and standardize the office processes.

Using the Ortho Essentials Program supports the practice by:

Driving Patient Compliance and Ownership

Driving Patient Compliance and Ownership

Driving Patient Compliance and Ownership

Maintain a Consistent Oral Hygiene Routine

Improving Oral Hygiene

Improving Oral Hygiene

Improving Oral Hygiene

Finish treatments on schedule

Creating a Strong Team-building Protocol

Increase referrals through dedicated marketing support

Creating a Strong Team-building Protocol

Increase referrals through dedicated marketing support

Watch Dr. Van Elslande’s Review On The Possible Issues Surrounding Patient Motivation

The following three videos, presented by Dr. Dana Van Elslande, explore the program in-depth and show how the program can be implementedand operated in your office.

An Investment in an Oral Hygiene Program Can Lead to Healthy Returns

Watch an overview of the Ortho Essentials Program. Discover why 35% of Canadian orthodontic offices rely on its proven process and how evidence-based tools help demonstrate the effort and intent of orthodontic teams to manage oral hygiene during treatment.

Office Implementation – Getting Started with Ortho Essentials

Learn how the Ortho Essentials Program can be seamlessly implemented into any orthodontic office from a typical patient's first appointment and every subsequent visit. You will also explore the comprehensive communication and compliance tools that standardize the oral hygiene protocol, empower your dental team, and help patients take ownership of their oral health.

Oral Hygiene Focused for a Stronger Practice

Find out how the Ortho Essentials Program is a valuable investment that can bring tangible benefits to your bottom line. Dr. Van Elslande discusses how the Ortho Essentials Program helps protect your professional practice and family referral sources. The office marketing toolkit, offered through a partnership with Crest + Oral-B, is also detailed.

To enroll in the Ortho Essentials program today, call 1-800-543-2577 x8!


Practice Management Materials

Digital Toolkit - Full Package

Customizable Letters

Add your office information, print and mail or give out these letters on your required topic.

Download Patient and GP Communication Letters

Patient and GP Communication Letters

Positive Reinforcement Digital Tools

Digital Scorecard

Digital Scorecard

Best Performance Certificate

Best Performance Certificate

Suggested Patient Text & Email Scripts and Gifs

Suggested Patient Text & Email Scripts and Gifs

Implementation Guide

Implementation Guide

Referral Materials

Use below referral materials to help drive awareness of your participation in the OrthoEssentials oral hygiene program.

Dentist office referrals

Referral Guide

Referral Guide

Referral Letter

Referral Letter

Referral Card

Referral Card

Parent Business Card

Parent Business Card

Patient Referrals

Referral Email

Referral Email

Instagram Photo Frames

Instagram Photo Frames

Social Media Toolkit

Your engagement in OrthoEssentials helps your ortho patients achieve better outcomes and helps them improve their oral hygiene throughout treatment. Let them know about your participation with these social media assets.

Suggested Posts

Suggested Posts

Images to post

Images to post