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Edward Lynch, BDentSc, MA, TCD, PhD(Lon)

Edward Lynch

Dr. Edward Lynch holds the position of Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Gerodontology of the Queen's University Belfast as well as Consultant in Restorative Dentistry to the Royal Hospitals.  He also served as the Consultant Editor of Gerodontology, as well as the Treasurer and Secretary to GORG, IADR and Editor of the GORG IADR newsletter.  He has served as Senior Lecturer in Conservative Dentistry and Hon.  Consultant in Restorative Dentistry and a Postgraduate Course Organizer for the University of London.  Dr. Lynch was awarded a total of 94 research grants, totaling around 5 million pounds and has more than 500 publications, including chapters in books and refereed abstracts.  During his career, Dr. Lynch has successfully supervised more than forty MSc, MPhil and PhD students and he has been awarded many prizes for his research.

Professor Lynch is also a specialist in 3 disciplines, Endodontics, Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry as well as being a BUPA Consultant in Oral Surgery, and presents at many prestigious postgraduate courses worldwide each year.  He is a Consultant to the ADA, a spokesperson for the BDA, a Scientific board member of the International Health Care Foundation and ISBOR, is on the editorial board of numerous International Journals and is very much a “wet gloved” academic treating many specialist referrals every week in the Royal Victoria Hospital.  Professor Lynch has recently edited the Quintessence book entitled “Ozone – The Revolution in Dentistry” ISBN 18-5097-08-82.  He is also the Chairman of the European Experts group on Tooth Whitening and he is actively seeking to change EU legislation to legalize Home Bleaching.  In addition he has been elected the third most influential person in UK Dentistry by thousands of Dentists and he has just been elected Vice-President of GORG in the IADR.  He is very proud than his students in QUB have honored him with being their Staff President of the Dental Society for the fourth consecutive year.
